Sunday, April 1, 2012

Uab Meto (Dawan)

Here is a blog on Uab Meto or Dawan, which is the language spoken by the people of Oecusse and other part of West Timor:  Uab Meto (Dawan). This blog is created by Yohanes Manhitu. Please visit the blog to learn more about the language of Atoni Oecusse.

Tuir mai ne'e blog ida konaba Uab Meto nudar lian ema Oecusse ninian nomos suco balun iha Timor Barat - Indonesia. Blog ne'e maka Uab Meto (Dawan) nebe belun Yohanes Manhitu maka cria. Bele visita blog ne'e atu hatene liu tan konaba lian Atoni Oecusse ninian.

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